Utilising our own highly specialised design facility we are able to support products through from conceptual ideas to finished manufacture.

Given the wide range of sectors we operate across, our design and concept skills remain one of the company’s most important assets.

Utilising our own highly specialised design facility we are able to support products through from conceptual ideas to finished manufacture.
Our extensive engineering expertise and knowledge is used to assist with product development within gearbox applications, helping to specify torque, ratio, material choice and to offer the most efficient and cost effective solutions for every project.
Given the wide range of sectors we operate across, our design and concept skills remain one of the company’s most important assets.
We also have the capability to assess comparative products, validate the design and test the gearbox mechanism.
The design work at Muffett Engineering Solutions begins with gaining a comprehensive understanding of the customer’s requirements, and the parameters that need to be met. This enables us to produce an optimised final design that we are confident will meet all the customer’s needs. Throughout the design process we continue to seek the customer’s stage approval to ensure effective solutions are delivered efficiently.
Following concept design, and costings approval, we will manufacture and test production prototypes. This enables us to incorporate any design modifications effectively and efficiently, overseen by our design team. At this point validation is just as important as the conceptual idea. This process gives customers the confidence that their requirements will be met to the highest standard using the latest leading-edge technologies.